Berman, E. (1996) The Ferenczi Renaissance: Sándor Ferenczi: Reconsidering Active Interventions by Martin Stanton (Northvale, NJ: Aronson, 1991, xv + 226 pp.) The Legacy of Sándor Ferenczi, edited by Lewis Aron and Adrienne Harris (Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press, 1993, xxiii + 294 pp.) The Correspondence of Sigmund Freud and Sándor Ferenczi, Vol. 1, 1908-1914, edited by Eva Brabant, Ernst Falzeder, and Patrizia Giampieri-Deutch under the supervision of André Haynal; translated by Peter T. Hoffer (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1993, xxxv + 584 pp.). Psychoanalytic Dialogues 6:391-411