Lebovici, S. (1955) International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. XXXVI, July-October 1955, Parts IV et V (Michael Balint, Friendly Expanses. Horrid emply spaces (*), pp. 226-241 ; Roy R. Grinker, Grouwth Inertia and Shame : their therapeutic inplications and danger (*), pp. 242-251 ; Samuel Novey, The rôle and the Superego and Ego-Ideal in Character formation, pp. 254-259 ; Mark Kanzer, The Communicative Functions of the Dream, pp. 260-266 ; Barbara Lantos, On the motivation of human relationships, pp. 267-288 ; Thomas S. Szasz, Entropy, Organisation and the problem of the economy of human relationships, pp. 289-297 ; Minna Emch, The social context of supervision (*), pp. 298-306 ; Allan Strauss, Unconscious mental processes and the psychosomatic concept, pp. 307-319 ; Melitta Sperling, Psychosis and Psychosomatic illness (*), pp. 320-327 ; Emilio M. Rodrigue, Notes on menstruation, pp. 328-384 ; Thomas Freeman, Clinical and theoretical observations on male homosexuality, pp. 335-347 ; Clifford M. Scott, A note on blathering, pp. 348-349 ; Hans Lampl, On determinism, pp. 350-354 ; Samuel D. Lipton, A note on the compatibility of psychic determinism and freedom of will, pp. 355-356).. Revue française de psychanalyse 19:637-641